
Showing posts from May, 2021

12 Best exercise for getting massive biceps

 Hello everyone I took a long break after my previous post that is 12 best exercises for getting a greek god chest (link I will mention below).  I don't want to say reasons for this break because there is no reason for this break. I just lost interest in writing and posting so, I didn't write this content.  As I have promised in the last post, I am going to reveal the 12 best exercises for getting massive biceps. I know Gyms are closed due to covid-19 second wave, but you can find this post if you search for biceps in my blog.  Three things you are supposed to do after reading this post.  1. Share this post, comment your doubts, follow me on Instagram(link I will mention below), subscribe to my blog for getting email notification whenever I make a post.  2. Train every muscle 2-3 times a week. 3. Be consistent. Don't skip your workouts. Workout 3-6 days a week. For building muscle we need to follow the rule of 80:20 that is 80% compounds and 20% isolation w...