
Showing posts from December, 2020

how to train shoulders

  As I had promised in my previous post in my blog beast_fitness_tips   I have come up with shoulder workouts. However your body look like you have big arms, chest or a six pack without having great shoulders they won’t look good. So you should train your shoulders 2 to 3 times a week. In this I am going to say about training shoulders. First of all compounds: Shoulders have only some compound exercises they are overhead press, upright rows and pike push ups, dips. You should train every part of your shoulder to get boulder shoulders. Shoulder is divided into three parts anterior deltoid, side deltoid and posterior deltoid. They are also called as front delt, side delt and rear delt respectively. I have explained about training rear delt in the post about how to train your back. Now I am going to say about how to train anterior and side delts. Over head press: This exercise trains your front delt and your triceps also. Hold the barbell with your hands perpendicular to the ...

How to train legs

  As I have said in my previous post in my blog   I have come up with the information about training legs. Most of the people who go to gym may skip leg day. But after reading this post all the people who skip leg days will love them. Reasons why people hate leg day: People hate leg day because the muscle soreness after training legs lasts long. One of the reasons for this soreness might be lack of warm up or cool down first you should unlock your mobility .i.e.   Some stretches that make you move freely with convenience. The second reason why you hate leg day is draining of more energy. Training legs drain energy because your legs need more oxygen while training them due to more distance between legs and heart it takes more energy for pumping oxygen to your legs. This is the reason for your energy draining. Exercises for training legs As I said before first do compound movements that includes more muscles. Compound exercises...

how to build chest

  As I have mentioned in my previous post in my blog . I have come up with interesting tips to build a massive chest. Chest training is my favourite because the pump you feel on the day of chest training will be awesome. Anatomy of chest: chest consist two groups of muscle pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. Again pectoralis major is subdivided into three divisions they are upper chest, middle chest and lower chest.    Pectoralis minor is a triangular shaped muscle. The pectoralis major can be trained by placing the hands in front of body and pectoralis minor can be trained by placing hands in back side of plane of body. How to train chest: As I said before you should first do compound movements and then partially compound and isolation exercises. Exercises to train for a big chest are push ups, bench press (incline, decline, flat bench), dips. These are compound exercises. Partially isolation exercises are dumbbell press (ben...

How to get big biceps

  Having big biceps is the dream for many. So, I have come up with an interesting post on how to build big biceps. Many of you know doing curls in different planes of motion can build biceps but don’t know compound exercises which build biceps and tricks to make the bigger in less time. I will tell the secret training tips for building bicep they are never taught in gym. Compounds for biceps: You know so many types of curls like incline dumbbell curl, preacher curl, e z bar curl, hammer curl. But these are isolation exercises. Exercises that indirectly hit bicep and make them grow are chin ups, pull ups, bent over rows, barbell cheat curl these exercises indirectly target biceps and these exercises train your back also (Don’t include barbell cheat curl). Tips for making your biceps huge: these were practiced by Arnold Schwarzenegger 1.        BUILD MASS WITH THE STANDING BARBELL CURL Arnold loved the standing barbell curl for building baseball...

How to train your back

  Why should we train our back: Assume that first if you have a strong chest and big biceps and your abs are not displaying. Then you will be hunchbacked. Making your back strong will keep your back straight and show your abs. Back is classified into three parts. They are wings, tree and heart. Wings:   The wings are the group of muscles that are lattisimus dorsi known as lats, Teres minor and teres major are the muscles that are under the lats and the final muscle in wings is rhomboids. These three muscles are lying on the same plane of motion so they can be targeted by single exercise and also can be isolated. Pull ups, lat pull down are the exercises for building lats, teres minor and major Heart: this part is the compilation of trapezius and rhomboids.   Dead lift, shrugs (barbell and dumbbell). These two are the exercises for building your back muscles. Tree: tree is the strongest part in the back and the exercises for this muscle is bent over rows and t-bar ...

How to grow muscles

  As I promised in the previous post I have come here with a topic that how to build muscle. Increasing muscle mass is much desired thing for many people doing exercises. You can build muscle as fast as you can if you read and understand this blog entirely. Firstly, I wish to tell about the technique of building muscle is to do progressive overload, protein, carbohydrate, frequency and rest are the keys for building muscle. Progressive Overload: First thing you should do to build muscle is the progressive overload. Increase the weight you lift progressively .As I said before in my previous post.   Take more protein: Muscles are made up of protein .Taking protein makes you build muscle. You should take 1.7 to2.2 grams of protein per 1kg of bodyweight i.e. if your body weight is 70kg then you should take 1.7x70=119grams of protein in a day. Carbohydrates: If you want to look bigger take carbohydrates 2 to 4grams for 1kg body weight. Actually muscle contains proteins, ...