how to train shoulders
As I had promised in my previous post in my blog beast_fitness_tips I have come up with shoulder workouts. However your body look like you have big arms, chest or a six pack without having great shoulders they won’t look good. So you should train your shoulders 2 to 3 times a week. In this I am going to say about training shoulders. First of all compounds: Shoulders have only some compound exercises they are overhead press, upright rows and pike push ups, dips. You should train every part of your shoulder to get boulder shoulders. Shoulder is divided into three parts anterior deltoid, side deltoid and posterior deltoid. They are also called as front delt, side delt and rear delt respectively. I have explained about training rear delt in the post about how to train your back. Now I am going to say about how to train anterior and side delts. Over head press: This exercise trains your front delt and your triceps also. Hold the barbell with your hands perpendicular to the ...