How to grow muscles


As I promised in the previous post I have come here with a topic that how to build muscle. Increasing muscle mass is much desired thing for many people doing exercises. You can build muscle as fast as you can if you read and understand this blog entirely.

Firstly, I wish to tell about the technique of building muscle is to do progressive overload, protein, carbohydrate, frequency and rest are the keys for building muscle.

Progressive Overload: First thing you should do to build muscle is the progressive overload. Increase the weight you lift progressively .As I said before in my previous post. 

Take more protein: Muscles are made up of protein .Taking protein makes you build muscle. You should take 1.7 to2.2 grams of protein per 1kg of bodyweight i.e. if your body weight is 70kg then you should take 1.7x70=119grams of protein in a day.

Carbohydrates: If you want to look bigger take carbohydrates 2 to 4grams for 1kg body weight. Actually muscle contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats .so; taking carbohydrates make you look bigger.

Frequency: You should train every muscle group 2-3 times a week and rest for 48 hrs (for every muscle group).

 Rest between sets:  Rest between workout sets must be 1-2 min. This will make you do more reps. mostly, train for both muscle and strength in consecutive weeks. (I will tell you about strength training in my next post).

Types of exercise to do to build muscle:  Exercises which involve in multi joint movements are most important to build muscle i.e. compound movements. This type of exercises will concentrate indirectly on more than two to three muscles. You should train all muscles in your body every week.

Examples of compound exercises:

Ø  Dead lift

Ø  Bent over rows

Ø  Bench press

Ø  Over head press

Ø  Pull up

Ø  Squat

These exercises will involve in the activation of more muscles.

Workout program for muscle building: You should train 2-3 muscle groups a day and every muscle for 2-3 times a week to build muscle i.e.  Splitting your workout program into 6 day program

Monday: push day (chest, triceps, shoulders)

Tuesday: pull day (biceps, back)

Wednesday: legs and abs

Thursday: chest, triceps, shoulders

Friday: biceps and back

Saturday: legs and abs

Isolation movements:  Not only compound movements but also exercises which concentrate on single muscle group are isolation exercise. Start with dynamic warm up then do compound movements and do isolation exercises. After doing those do some cardio this may help you build muscle fast. Then do some static stretches to get rid of paining.

Examples of isolation exercises:

Ø  Skull crushers (triceps)

Ø  Dumbbell curls(biceps)

Ø  Chest fly(chest)

Ø  Lateral raises (shoulder)

Ø  Shrugs(back)

Ø  Calf raises(calves)


Doing these exercise consistently you can build muscle as fast as possible


NOTE: After reading this post you may have got doubt that how to get bigger biceps, how to get strong back etc. Then stay tuned to my blog I will post exercises for every muscle group in successive posts.And also remind that strength and volume are two different factors. I will post about strength training.











  1. Bruh what is the difference between yoga and weight lifting


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