diet for fat loss


As promised in the previous post I came here with a diet plan for losing stubborn fat in your body. As I said before in the previous post  you need not to starve yourself for losing fat .Only one thing you should do is to multiply your goal body weight(in pounds) with  11 or 12 and the result  should be your daily calorie intake.

Types of food for fat loss: There is no food that reduces fat. Yeah, you are reading true food won’t   burn fat. You should only cut the scrap in your food  i.e. junk food like processed foods (sausages , chips, croissants, crisps, canned  food etc .).Having fat reserves in your body you don’t need more fat daily .When you are in a calorie deficit the fat reserves in your body are used by your body. Eat more fruits and vegetables .Add macronutrients in your diet .Cycle your carbohydrates.

Eat clean but 80%: Eating clean is good but if you eat clean everyday you may get fatigued, hit plateau and stop your dieting .So, take a cheat meal (just a reefed   ) trice a month .refeed means you will eat your favourite food slight more than your daily intake so that calories will become your maintenance calories .This is 80% rule.  Eating 80% clean and 20% dirty will keep you out of fatigue.

Weight training in deficit : As I said in the previous post  doing full body compound exercises and weight lifting exercise will make you fit . While doing weight  exercises you should do progressive overload of the weight you lift. Gradually increasing the weight you lift is called progressive overload.

Carbohydrates : Carbohydrates play a major role in fat loss. Yes, carbohydrates taken 3-4 hours before your workout gives you energy doing workout. Carbohydrates like black beans ,whole wheat pasta, potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, quinoa etc .   


Fats: The meaning of losing fat is not eating fats . No it’s wrong because you should eat healthy fats like almonds, avocado, cashews etc. These will give you energy for workout .

 Eat more but less : Yes I have said that you should eat less calories but not to starve yourself. This will happen only when you eat fruits and vegetables and  meat if you have a habit.

 Creatine : As I have promised in my previous post I came here with a lot of information about creatine monohydrate . People believe that creatine makes you bloated and puffy, adds water weight, results in hair loss and it is steroids .But all are myths the truth is creatine provides you instant energy, minimal water retention ,it is not steroids and is highly researched ,it can be used by men and women.

 Protein shake : You should take 1gram to 1.3 grams of protein per 1kg of body weight .If your weight is 80kg then you need to take 80×1.3=104grams .You should take 104 grams of protein every day .On your daily basis you can’t take104gms protein so, you should use protein powder .Whey protein is cheap and can be easily digested .you can easily take 104gms protein by using protein powder. There are other types of protein shakes but they also contain fats. But whey has less fat.

Note :  After losing your belly fat you want to make six pack and show abs then you should follow my blog  and turn on post notifications. I will post information after  every 5 days.



  1. Your WhatsApp number bro? I'm going to gym and have many doubts.

    1. I dont have a personal mobile i will use only instagram in laptop msg me there
      dp- bull


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