Differences between yoga and weight lifting
In my previous post I have said that a person has asked me the difference between yoga and weight lifting I have come up with an awesome post about yoga and weight lifting. Yoga and weight lifting are two different branches of a same tree.
Yoga: Yoga is a mind and body practice with a 5,000 –year history in ancient Indian philosophy. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation or relaxation.
Yoga is not only a physical workout it is also called as a lifestyle because by practicing yoga you will acquire some skills like Yama,Niyama,Asana,Pranayma,Pratyahara,Dhyana,Dharana,Samadhi.These 8 Sanskrit words describe about yoga. By doing yoga you may gain not only physical health but also mental health.
Weight lifting: It refers to lifting of weight which also improves your mind and body connection. This helps in building muscle, strength, endurance. You look attractive and stronger.
Which to choose:
You should choose based on your fitness goal. If your goal is strength, muscle and endurance you may choose weight lifting. If your fitness goal is endurance, flexibility and mobility then yoga is the best option for you.
Weight lifting: this
provides you strength, muscle and endurance. Weight lifting is very expensive
because you should buy equipment or join gym and you should maintain a lifting
belt, shoes. This can’t be done anywhere. This will also make you feel healthy
and happy.
What If a person do both: there is no problem in doing both but do them on
different days. Doing both yoga and weight lifting make you more athletic,
flexible and gives you cardio vascular endurance.
Disadvantages of doing yoga or weight lifting: there are no
such things except injuries. If you do them correctly you get only benefits.
Don’t overdo both because anything which is taken as overdose gives bad
Note: In next post I
will end the hypertrophy (muscle) building section with some tips and tricks.
Stay tuned.
Wake up,
Never give up
Stay fit
Stay strong
Stay lean
Stay healthy
Stay happy
thank you for this information bruh