how to increase strength quickly

 There are so many doubts about strength training I am going to destroy all the doubts with this post. So many people don't know how to do strength training and some people don't know which methods are used for strength training. In this post, I am going to give a one-week demo workout program and which methods are used to do strength training.

First of all, I am going to explain what is strength training. Strength training is physical training for increasing strength by using free weights, body weights, and machines.

Methods For Strength training:                                                                                                                          

If you want to gain strength then you should train movements and not your muscles. That means you don't need to do so many isolation exercises. You don't need to work out every small muscle in your body. training your movements means you should use the movements like push, pull, hinge, lunge, squat, carry. these types of movements will increase your strength. 

Rest between sets must be 3-5 minutes this helps you to relieve from the lactic acid and you can lift heavier. You should use 80-90% of your one-rep maximum weight for doing strength training

One-rep maximum weight is the weight that you can lift only for one rep and you can't go for another rep.

rep ranges: Use 5-8 rep ranges in 3-5 sets and the rest between sets is 3-5 minutes

Now I am giving you a demo one-week workout program for strength training

1)If you want purely strength and you don't want muscle then you can use this program 

Monday: push ::::: bench press, overhead press, incline bench press, Arnold press, Close grip bench press

Tuesday: Pull ::::: Pull up, Bent over row, T-bar row, Chin up, Barbell curl, Seated rows, and inverted rows

Wednesday: Legs:::: Front squat, Back Squat, Romanian Deadlift, Leg press, Hip thrust, Lunge


select four to five exercise for movement. that is enough

2)If you want muscle and also strength then you can use this program

Monday: push ::::: bench press, overhead press, incline bench press, Arnold press, Close grip bench press

Tuesday: Pull ::::: Pull up, Bent over row, T-bar row, Chin up, Barbell curl, Seated rows, and inverted rows

Wednesday: Legs:::: Front squat, Back Squat, Romanian Deadlift, Leg press, Hip thrust, Lunge

theses three are for strength

Thursday: chest, triceps, shoulders

Friday: back,biceps,abs 

Saturday: Legs+abs

I am giving them in an image 

If you want to completely know about muscle building then explore my blog you can find a series of posts regarding muscle building

I am ending the strength training series with this post. So many people don't know what to eat to reach their fitness goals I will explain in brief in the next post. Stay tuned

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 my blog link::::::::::::Beast_fitness_gains

To know more about muscle building::::how to grow muscles












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