get bigger biceps

 Everyone who is building muscle has a dream of getting bigger biceps. But one thing everyone should know is that bigger biceps need bigger triceps for support. So in this post, I am going to explain how to get bigger biceps and triceps. In a single word, this post can be named as how to get bigger arms.

In this post, I am not explaining how to grow your arms or biceps but I will explain some techniques that will help maximize your gains. If you want workouts for your biceps or triceps then click the link below

biceps:::how to get big biceps

triceps:::get massive triceps 

First I am going to give you some tricks for triceps. A tricep is divided into 3 parts. medial head, lateral head, and long head. To make the tricep look bigger you need to concentrate on three heads. Train the long headfirst by doing skull crushers and then do bench dips plus as a superset. After that do tricep pushdowns using resistance bands. Do all this in 5 minutes. You all Know bench dips but I said bench dips plus. So, what are bench dips? You should hold your elbows more time in the locked-out position in normal bench dips. These are called bench dips plus. To maximize tricep gains you need to do this as a finisher at the end of your workout.

Do the above said exercises using light to moderate weight

Now for biceps, there are three tricks for maximizing gains
1.don't  just curl up the weight
2.squeeze the tricep at end of every rep
3. train both short head and long head

don't  just curl up the weight
whenever you think of bicep curl, we only think of elbow flexion, which is simply curling the weight up and down entirely based on the elbows

squeeze the tricep at end of every rep

By squeezing your triceps at the end of the movement, you are ensuring that your biceps are completely lengthened, allowing the greatest Range of motion which means the greatest muscle tissue breakdown which also means the greatest bicep gains

train both short head and long head

We must not forget that the biceps has two heads short head and long head we should train both the heads to make the biceps huge.

Last but not least: We stretch our muscles after the completion of the workout to escape soreness. Now you have to stretch the muscle you have worked after every set. This helps you to increase the blood pump to the muscle.


If you are new to this you must explore my blog ::::beast_fitness_tips

If you have any doubts related to fitness please comment them in the comment section below or message me on instagram::bhuvan_2611

If you want to know about losing fat and gaining muscle then click the links below

lose fat:::workouts to lose body fat

muscle mass::how to gain muscle

In the next post, I am going to explain about getting strong and wide back like Dorian Yates Stay tuned











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