
Showing posts from January, 2021

exercises for chest (strength)

 In my previous post I mentioned about strength training. In this post I am going to explain clearly about strength training. I will explain about every muscle in different posts. In this post I am going to explain about strength training for chest. Building chest strength is very important to build chest muscles. You need to do only compound exercises to build chest strength. If you want to do some isolation workouts add 1-2 workouts of that category with heavy weight and do low reps. Do 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps compound workouts for strength.  some copmpound exercises for chest:   Bench press incline bench press decline bench press pushups incline pushups decline pushups dips Take 85-90% of your one rep maximum load and do 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps. rest between sets is must be 3-5 minutes so that the lactic acid in your muscles get cleared and you will lift heavily In this post I have explained about exercises for chest strength.In the next post I am going to post about st...

How to increase strength

 Strength training is a most important for increasing your strength. Increasing your strength is necessary to lift heavily. You don't need to train every muscle in strength training whereas you should train every muscle in muscle mass training. You need to lift 85 to 90% of your 1rep maximum load for strength. What is strength training: Lifting heavy weights with low rep range and doing four to five sets. Not only this but also you should know something interesting thing about strength training.That is the rest between every set must be more than three minutes. You may do only compound movements and no need of isolation lifts. Form is very important in strength training. you can use multiple angles of an exercise to build strength but do them with correct form. You should train the movements but not muscles.  What is the reason behind resting more than three minutes: While doing exercises lactic acid is produced in the muscles and rest makes the lactic acid to get clear from t...

How to build muscle quickly

  As I have promised in my previous post I have come up with some tricks and tips to build muscle quickly. I have providing my blog link here so that you can have a quick look through it. My blog: beast_fitness_tips   . In this blog I have explained clearly about building muscle by explaining the anatomy of some muscles and exercises. In this post I am going to explain some tricks to gain muscle as fast as possible. How do muscles grow? When you train your muscles your muscle tissues will break. After training your muscles the protein and other nutrients taken by you will repair the muscle tissue and make them grow. By this we can conclude that muscles will grow when they are in rest. Muscles need 48 hours of rest after workout. So plan accordingly. Train every muscle two times a week. Frequency +recovery are equal to growth. Intensity: You need to do workouts which have high intensity and volume. You should concentrate on Intensity rather than number of sets or reps. ...

Differences between yoga and weight lifting

 In my previous post I have said that a person has asked me the difference between yoga and weight lifting I have come up with an awesome post about yoga and weight lifting. Yoga and weight lifting are two different branches of a same tree. Yoga :   Yoga is a mind and body practice with a 5,000 –year history in ancient Indian philosophy. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation or   relaxation. Yoga is not only a physical workout it is also called as a lifestyle because by practicing yoga you will acquire some skills like Yama,Niyama,Asana,Pranayma,Pratyahara,Dhyana,Dharana,Samadhi. These 8 Sanskrit words describe about yoga. By doing yoga you may gain not only physical health but also mental health. Weight lifting:  It refers to lifting of weight which also improves your mind and body connection. This helps in building muscle, strength, endurance. You look attractive and stronger. Which to choose: You should choose b...

how to train abs

  As I have promised in my previous post in my blog . I have come up with workouts for toning your abs. Now, a, days in competitions of body building like Mr. Olympia   judges are focussing on muscle mass rather than muscle definition. So you need to have bigger abs to impress them. Here are some exercises for bigger abs.   Anatomy of abdominal muscles: Abdominal muscles are mainly divided into four parts they are upper abdominals, lower abdominals, serratus anterior and oblique.   There are so many exercises for training abs. But they are only meant for strength and muscle building will not be more. Indirect exercises (compounds) for abs: There are many compound exercises for abs. Dead lift, pull ups, front squat,    bent over rows, plank, chin up,   hip thrusts etc . these exercises train abs indirectly. These will make your abs strong and toned. Some exercises for abs isolation: You can train abs four d...

Exercises for triceps

  As I have promised in my previous post in my blog beast_fitness_tips   I have come up with an awesome content for training triceps. Triceps is a small that need more attention on it to make it big. In this post I will explain how to train triceps. Anatomy of triceps: Triceps is divided into three parts long head, lateral head and medial head. We should train three different parts with three different types of movements and with different equipment. First of all compound movements:   As I said before there are compound movements that train more parts at a time. Push ups are the best example for compound exercises to train triceps. Close grip bench press is also a compound (partially) to build triceps. There are other compound exercises for triceps are diamond push ups, close grip push ups, skull crushers. Some secret tips to build triceps quickly: 1.        FIND THE TARGET OF AN EXERCISE "It's silly doing a triceps movement and not kno...